Postpartum Services

“If mom is supported and cared for, we can assure that baby will be well cared for.”

Postpartum services.

Postpartum Doula

In our postpartum visits we offer emotional and practical support to new parents, assisting with newborn care, breastfeeding, postpartum recovery, and household tasks. We guide families navigate the transition into parenthood with compassion and expertise.

Placenta Encapsulation

Placental encapsulation is the practice of eating placenta (placentophagy) after it has been steamed, dehydrated, ground, and placed into capsules. Traditionally, this is taken by the mother and is believed to impart numerous health benefits. It is frequently taken shortly after giving birth, with the belief that it will help lessen some of the symptoms of postpartum such as:

  • a decrease in postpartum mood disorders

  • increased production of oxytocin

  • a decrease in stress hormones

  • restoration of iron levels following bleeding after birth

  • increased milk supply

Bengkung Belly Binding.

Belly binding is a tradition that we can trace back centuries, and Bengkung belly binding is a Malaysian practice using a cotton or muslin cloth to wrap a new parent. Benefits can include decreased pain during recovery, reduced swelling after birth, prevention of diastasis recti, and support of the pelvic floor.

A private 30 minute session includes:

  • cotton belly bind

  • healing belly oil

  • teaching of how to bind yourself and/or teaching your partner as well

